17 March 2009

Weight Watchers - Day 2

That's it. I'm giving up!

Just kidding, but my gosh it's hard to go back on a diet! I'm constantly thinking about food and how I really need to haul rear to the grocery store in order to get more WW-friendly items. I mean, I've already eaten a whole bag of baby carrots! Sheesh! I went over my daily points allowance. The only thing that's keeping me going is that I'm still well within my Flex Points. Gah.

I think once we've purged the house of all of the demon leftovers I will be much better off. We have all of this food left from last week and it is just sitting in the fridge, waiting to be eaten, and the only thing I can have and not feel as though I've wasted points is the split pea soup (which, incidentally, has 17g of fiber!). I think I know what I'm having for lunch tomorrow!

And exercise. I need more exercise. I think the dog could do with a walk tomorrow. Or two. Or twenty.

16 March 2009

It's that time again!

*dusts off the blog*

I just wanted everyone to know that I've decided to start the ever wonderful Weight Watchers again, effective immediately. I've put on a few pounds (perhaps five) and that is just not the direction I want to go with my weight. So, I have set a goal to lose 15 pounds (which would put me back to my wedding weight) by my birthday (July 15) and I have opted to reward myself with the Half-Blood Prince Wii game. As pointed out by my husband and by a friend, I'm really just a kid trapped in a 30 year-old's body. I heartily agree with this, and therefore look forward to some gaming!

I do need some short-term rewards, though (aka weekly) and I'm having a hard time thinking of any. Ideas? I'm wide open! <-- teehee, I said "wide" on a diet blog!

Oh, and I can't put my info on the sidebar. Could one of my wonderful sisters take care of that for me? Or else give me greater permissions on this here blog? Thanks!

31 December 2008

New Year, New You

So we are all about the "New year, new you" concept at our house, on all levels. But in terms of this blog, I will officially state my goal to lose my next five pounds by February 16. I have, miraculously, not regained any of my lost weight, but I haven't lost any, either. So to accomplish this goal:

1. Complete moratorium on sweets between January 1 and February 16. I am serious about this, and I will report any violations. The only exception to this will be to make a treat with CB on Valentine's day. So that's it: no candy, no cookies, no ice cream. Nothing. This will be revisited on Feb. 16, at which point I will do something more moderate, since I believe in moderation. But this must be done.

2. Exercise. I need to hammer out the particulars, but I will let you know. And it will be realistic.

That should do it! Here's to being five pounds lighter in six weeks! Happy New Year to me!

19 November 2008

Rachel Recommends

First, I will report an additional one pound of weight loss as of Monday. I'm hoping for one more pound this week, and then off to Borders I go!

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to declare (the rest of November and) December "Move-It Month." The holidays are a tough time to be die-hard about healthy eating, although I'm doing pretty well, so far. However, I still plan to eat a hearty Thanksgiving dinner and to do some holiday baking. And that is why I am dedicated to moving my body.

For anyone interested, might I recommend Denise Austin's Personal Training System? We've had this DVD for several years, and it is a blast. Up until this week, I hadn't done it since we lived in Syracuse, on account of being pregnant and whatnot, but I am back at it. Two days ago I got through six of the 10 minutes in the ab workout (after which Clara could not take me doing it anymore) and I am FEELING IT, even two days later. So the ab workout is faboo. My favorite thing about Denise, other than that I can exercise indoors in the winter, is that you can customize a workout on the menu page. For example, you can choose to do a low or high-intensity aerobic workout, followed by either upper or lower body (or both!) at different levels, followed by abs, followed by stretching--or any combination of any of the workouts. It's a good time. And it kills, so it must be working. :)

12 November 2008

Work it, girl!

So, I bought a new tub of animal crackers at Costco. When they're fresh, they're SO crisp and nice. Mmmmm. So yes, this is not my best day for avoiding animal crackers.

On a brighter note, yesterday I did 30 crunches, and on Monday evening I rode our stationary bike for 10 minutes. It's a start...

Down Five!

Hello, where is everyone? I'm down five pounds! This means I get to officially count my fabulous bracelets as a Healthy Living Prize! I think I owe my success in part to the delicious Kirtland Brand Instant Oatmeal. Delicious and nutritious, which is a food-y way of saying classic...and classy. Now I have to think of a new gift...I think it shall be Kung Fu Panda, which was my favorite movie this last summer. If you haven't seen it yet, it's well worth a rental. The kiddies (and their aunties) will love it.

05 November 2008

Three Pounds.

I'm pretty sure I'm down three pounds. The scale I have is sort of old and analog, so sometimes its tricky to tell, but I'm pretty sure. So, hooray! Also, I ate some of the delicious Kirtland brand instant oatmeal for breakfast, on recommendation from Rachel. And for dinner, and in celebration of our delicious snowy weather, I partook of some organic tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Lovely!